Come spend some time weaving ... online!
Fibre artist and Ply Studio owner, Carmen Bohn, will be online from 7-9pmEST three Wednesdays in a row (January 20th, January 27th, February 3rd). Join once or all 3 - this will be a great way to connect and do something fun in these dark days of winter!
Carmen will be available to answer all your weaving related questions and help you progress on any projects you are working on. Please note that this is not a weaving workshop where I walk you through a project. Ideally, you have some experience weaving and just need to troubleshoot any issues you might be having or seek input. I will share as many tips and tricks as I can in each 2 hour slot. Overall, this will be a great way to connect with one another on the dark evenings in January and early February when a little ray of light (by way of doing something with our hands) is needed. $20 per session and guaranteed to be a good time. Join me!
Note that the Zoom link will be sent to you by email a few days before the sessions take place.