Meet my new Studio mate!
Pat Slighte (she/her) is my wonderful new studio mate. She moved into Ply Studio just last week, bringing with her a 700lb printing press and all the makings of an amazing art practice (which I currently know very little about, but can't wait to learn about).
I asked a few questions/took a few photos of Pat in the studio this morning. Here's what she had to say ...
Carmen: Hey Pat, it's a pleasure to have you here with me in my studio space! I'd love to share a little about you for my audience. Can you tell me where you have lived in your life and how you got to be in Ottawa?
Pat: I was born in Toronto, moved to Yellowknife in 1984 and moved to Ottawa in 2020. We moved because we were ready to have new experiences. Ottawa was chosen because it was not too big, lots of cultural things to enjoy, good transportation system, easy to travel from and a much more friendly climate (than Yellowknife).
Carmen: Can you tell me who you are, other than an artist?
Pat: I am a retired Interior Designer, partner, mother and grandmother.
Carmen: Please tell me about your art and the medium that you work with.
Pat: Printmaking covers many different processes. I mostly work in monotype, collagraph and drypoint. These types of printmaking, simply put, are techniques used to put 'artwork' onto a plate which is hand inked and the image is transferred to paper on a printing press. Each print is an original.
Carmen: Can you share a couple artistic milestones that got you to today?
Pat: Graduated from OCAD University (formerly the Ontario College of Art). About 10 years ago I took my first printmaking workshop in British Columbia. Since then I have taken several more workshops: in Red Deer (AB), Haliburton (ON), Santa Fe (New Mexico), and Ballinglen (Ireland).
Carmen: What do you hope to create over the next months?
Pat: Printmaking involves many aspects of the creative process that I enjoy; exploration, experimentation, discovery, intuitiveness and a willingness to let go of the need to totally control the outcome.
Carmen: What are you excited about? What makes you happy, brings you joy?
Pat: I am excited to have the opportunity to work with my own press in a lovely studio space. I have so many ideas for things I want to try and work toward. I am looking forward to meeting the arts community in Ottawa and being able to explore with others.
Videos of Pat's printmaking process are coming soon, so follow me on IG and you'll see all the magic come to life.
Also, in the first hour of meeting Pat I had already asked her to teach workshops here at Ply. She smiled and told me she hoped I would ask, so stay tuned!

What a nice and interesting friend, Heather Hayne, has in you. Your work is lovely. Printmaking isn’t something I’ve tried yet but one never knows what life and people will bring to it. Never, say never. Take care and be safe. Lyn